Monday, February 25, 2008


Rebbecca gave me a lead for a tv commercial audition, and I got a casting call. Actually the band and I did. It was pretty much like karaoke full band. It's for a Texas lottery commercial who are looking for Latino musicians. I should expect a call back on the 4th if I got the role. fingers crossed!!!!

i've been violating my diet tonight. Medium was on, dr.pepper, m&m's, and poncorn were eating me up.

Friday, February 22, 2008


I'm so happy that you came back. You leaving is the saddest thing that could happen to Eric, especially considering the dreams i had where you wern't in them. I do want a red cat, but I do love you. I'm sorry that we didn't instantly become best friends. I know upon arrival i invaded what seemed to be your space (it's mine now) , and have learned your personal boundries. I'm also happy that you realized i'm no threat, just an extra person to love you, and feed you bananas.

We are microchipping your ass, and you're going to wear a collar and love it.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

i'm in mid-knit

I’ve taken on two knitting projects; both are scarf-like items! I’m not really good at this craft, but I think that's why I like it. I keep my hands busy, my thoughts in my head, and that's that. I can't smoke, make notes, or bite my nails... no nothing. Just weaving yarn in, around, under, blah.......

I've also taken on a new diet and workout which is showing results in my numbers, but I've yet to feel the difference. I'm just so happy that I’ve kicked the habit of junk food, and love the promising new lifestyle. Eric has really brought out the health conscious in me, thank god. And I love it, I’m a compulsive label reader and get so frustrated when foods are to expensive (in Camille terms expensive=to high in fat or calories)

All in all I’m having a blast the body bugg and aiming to maintain a balanced diet...... I've manage to find out that doing these things requires the nasty OCD habits I love more. I love the list making, detailed notes, productivity and upkeep. It gives me something to do, and I can think of worse things to be obsessed about.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

playing with my body...

this week i've started a trasformation process. (attempting to a least)

I've been wearing the body bugg on my arm for a week now, and i'm really really taking into consideration all the food i stuff my face with... and of course feeling guilty about a few items too. I love it! I am trying to create a more healthy lifestyle for myself, and these are the training wheels so to speak... and then on to that banana seat bicycle!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

i had this awesome dream , i wish wish wish i could remember the meaning or had time to write in full what and why it was.
I was at stephen colberts house. it appeared at times that it was in his studio, dont remember what i was doing there... something to do with being screwed legally and he was helping right a wrong,
then i was walking out of the conference studio room gave him a hug and said i would call him later.... as i'm walking down the stairs the room changed and sam and aaron were loading gear down the stairs. I remember wondering if this was his house or not as i looked around./ It looked like hell, dust balls were around the corners of all the furniture downstairs.. he had milk jugs filled with water next to his plants, in a sad attempt to remind himself to water. it was just sad
WHen i was walking down the stairs i ran into his cat, who was seriously stared for attention. It freaked me out because it looked just like dovey, but every camera phone shot made him look like a wild tiger . I was sad that eric wouldn't believe me. As we werewalking out the door stephen had changed and was in terrible spandex work out clothes. we meet his wife and camera staff downstairs, and it appears we were there for a music performance.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

it feels so good...

to be debt free.
this is a first for me, and I know i havn't done that much living, but i had a good chunk of bills sitting on mah plate. It feels good to be responsible, and keep track of my finances.

It also feels good to have good health insurancee, and take care of medical issues as they come up. I really am fortunate to have medical insurance and believe me it's not something i take for granted.

I'm also proud of my desire for being healthy and fit. I do fall short, but my overall efforts over shaddow the negatives. I've taken on a challenge this week. I'm wearing the body bug, so it will not only monitor how many steps i've walked, and how many calories i've burned, it will also monitor my intake, and baby today has been bad.
we shall see.
i want to lose weight. it's not a complex i swear. well maybe it is, but it's not a problem yet. I do want to be thinner, i do think i've got love handles, but hell i'm not threatened to starve myself, there's no fear for anorexia. I love food to much. I'm just reallyhesitant to take action. lazy i guess...but .. i'm going to try. it's for myself.