Sunday, February 3, 2008

it feels so good...

to be debt free.
this is a first for me, and I know i havn't done that much living, but i had a good chunk of bills sitting on mah plate. It feels good to be responsible, and keep track of my finances.

It also feels good to have good health insurancee, and take care of medical issues as they come up. I really am fortunate to have medical insurance and believe me it's not something i take for granted.

I'm also proud of my desire for being healthy and fit. I do fall short, but my overall efforts over shaddow the negatives. I've taken on a challenge this week. I'm wearing the body bug, so it will not only monitor how many steps i've walked, and how many calories i've burned, it will also monitor my intake, and baby today has been bad.
we shall see.
i want to lose weight. it's not a complex i swear. well maybe it is, but it's not a problem yet. I do want to be thinner, i do think i've got love handles, but hell i'm not threatened to starve myself, there's no fear for anorexia. I love food to much. I'm just reallyhesitant to take action. lazy i guess...but .. i'm going to try. it's for myself.

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