Saturday, September 22, 2007

in my head

terrible terrible dream.

I was in a huge auditorium filled to maximum capacity with metal stadium benches all up and down. The place was packed, People were there with their pets. It began like a game show where people would introduce themselves, name, hometown etc... then express what type of animal they had and what their current animal illness was. This was the place these animals were going to die. "I'm Kathy Goodson, i have three dogs. One is this black lab and she has cancer. She is currently being treated but probably won't have long". (probably) " The other two, well i just don't have the time or the funds to hold onto to them honestly. I figured this was the best place to take them". Now my dream led me to believe that once the ex-owners left the building, this area became a sort of gas chamber, or place that was set on fire, and then reopened for another use.

The entire "talk show" audience was like this. People with birds, cats, horses, snakes, Noah's reject ark. I didn't understand why this was going on, and why reality television had gotten to this holocaustic point. Somehow, (don't ask me how i became so brave) I began to protest down the aisle and began to rescue as many of these sick creatures as I could. All i remember is that I came home with bags of animals Some that were presumably dead and others making their way out of the garbage bags with wagging tails.

"See, these dogs are alive and well, what seems to be wrong with this one?", I said pointing to the cancer patient. The truth was that a lot was wrong, more than i could possibly know. She had leukemia and was on a chemo which is expensive for an uninsured lab. Had I really taken on this responsibility? What was I thinking? This seemed like the right thing to at the thought of them dying, but now I've got to much on my plate, and can hardly afford to take care of myself. How much can you really care, and what point to you have to focus on you and what you can control? The other animals became a concern now too. I had now adopted 4 dogs, 2 cats, a hamster and a bag of animal bones into my family. What the hell is a person to do?

i woke up feeling disgusted and sick. I just don't know why my head would make up something that disturbing and then feed it to me in a dream. Why can't i have the normal falling out of the sky dreams, teeth falling out, or maybe those "going to school" naked dreams that everyone talks about. Instead I have horror shows that are sometimes in black and white with credits at the end.

Makes no sense. I'm not that clever.

just thought about this. How cool would it be to dream dreams with a director in mind. Imagine always having one in the style or Woody Allen, or David Lynch. I would definitely be requesting a Hitchcock.

A person can dream can't they?

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