Saturday, October 27, 2007

bad bad girl....

so i step on the scale every so often.. it's sooo stupid to care about such things..
but anyways, I've lost more weight than i expected after my quitting dr. peppers. I'm so worried I'm going to gain it all back due to the quitting smoking thing. I think it actually has nothing to do the quitting the ciggs. I just eat and drink what i want with no consequence. cappuccinos, pasta, cheese, and yes the evil dr. pepper has crept back into my life somehow.
I gotsta stop.
and i will.
back to being good.
i need to walk a little more and drink more water.

Oh last night was cute. Dada. beard Michael working the door. I met a beautiful singer who excited me about seeing live music again. The night life thing is not my thing though. I'm not at my best sloppy slurry drunk and trying to maintain decent conversations. It ends up being a drag and i hidein someones coat, and just proves my theory that there's nothing good that can possibly go on past 2am. Well maybe, it just depends what you're looking for.

I'm really looking forward to carving pumpkins with eric. We are even gonna make a pie!

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