Saturday, October 13, 2007


Every time i shoo or kick a cricket out of the house, or sweep one up at work, i have this annoying habit to yell "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" over and over repeatedly until the insect has left my sight. sometimes it's 4 times, sometimes it's minutes long.
it's hilarious.

i hear one chirping now. I'm going to save the energy and keep it here inside.

other news/facts/wants/screams:
I love eatzi's/
I want to revisit Italy. Mi piace molte!!
Love food.... especially food in Italy.
Iget easily frustrated and intimidated with the amount of "everything" that the world has to offer.
I want to experience so much and feel like i do more talking and dreaming that actually doing.
I'm really happy. I really really am.
I love not smoking.
The holidays really turn me around, and this season makes me melt.
can't wait for tofurky. (more food)
I want my hair to grow long again
school. grrr. getting started is rubik cube difficulty

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